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Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ)
This instrument is not currently available on the NINDS website. For more information, please visit this website: Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire
Supplemental: Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)-Pediatric (ages 2-18)
Exploratory: Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Short Description of Instrument
This is a parent-report questionnaire that assesses the presence of snoring frequency, loud snoring, observed apneas, difficulty breathing during sleep, daytime sleepiness, inattentive or hyperactive behavior, and other pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) features (Chevrin et al., 2000, 2007).
Comments/Special Instructions
Within the PSQ there are 3 subscales: a 4-item sleepiness scale, a 4-item snoring scale, and a 6-item in- attention/hyperactivity scale. The SRBD scale can be used in participants aged 2-18.
The PSQ form responses include: "yes" = 1, "no" = 0, and "don't know"=missing. The mean response on nonmissing items is the score, which can vary from 0 to 1.
The SRBD scale shows good internal consistency and test-retest reliability.
This measure is recommended as Exploratory for CP since it has not been validated in a CP population.
Chervin RD, Hedger K, Dillon JE, Pituch KJ. Pediatric sleep questionnaire (PSQ): validity and reliability of scales for sleep-disordered breathing, snoring, sleepiness, and behavioral problems. Sleep Med. 2000;1(1):21-32.
Chervin RD, Weatherly RA, Garetz SL, Ruzicka DL, Giordani BJ, Hodges EK, Dillon JE, Guire KE. Pediatric sleep questionnaire: prediction of sleep apnea and outcomes. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007;133(3):216-222.
Certal V, de Lima FF, Winck JC, Azevedo I, Costa-Pereira A. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire into Portuguese language. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol.  2015;79(2):175-178.
Cook J, Burd L. Preliminary report on construction and validation of a pediatric sleep disturbance questionnaire. Percept Mot Skills. 1990;70(1):259-267.
Spruyt K, Gozal D. Pediatric sleep questionnaires as diagnostic or epidemiological tools: a review of currently available instruments. Sleep Med Rev. 2011;15(1):19-32.
Tomás Vila M, Miralles Torres A, Beseler Soto B. [Spanish version of the Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ). A useful instrument in investigation of sleep disturbances in childhood. Reliability analysis]. An Pediatr (Barc). 2007;66(2):121-128.


Document last updated June 2020